Since we all game from the Launcher
We've focused a bit on our Launcher and GameSpace since the initial release of crDroid 8.7.
Below you can see the official changelog.
Change | Dev commit |
Small optimizations to Android ART | |
Small optimizations to bionic | |
Updated sqlite to v3.39.2 | |
GameSpace: Added do not change option to ringer mode | |
GameSpace: Fix panel view not losing focus when touching outside | |
GameSpace: Expose icon in launcher | |
GameSpace: added reTicker option | |
GameSpace: Added in-game danmaku feature | |
Fix NPE when led pulse not supported for crDroid Settings | |
Small reTicker changes | |
Small changes made to DozeSensors proximity sensor support | |
Added config for double tap sensors that need a proximity check | link1, link2 |
Prevent NPE for Demo mode | |
Update notification count overlay style | |
Fix issue with text select and copy | |
Update mobily APN for prepaid connection | |
Launcher3: Add option to control wallpaper zooming | |
Launcher3: Move grid style recents settings | |
Launcher3: Add recents and app drawer opacity customization | |
Launcher3: Add toggles for recent quick actions | |
Launcher3: Add new icons from lawnicons | |
Launcher3: Add themed icon for GameSpace | |
Launcher3: Fix possible NPE | |
Updated translations |
Since the official crDroid 8.7, most devices got updates, while we've added support for #X00QD and dropped few device.
Device | Url | Change |
X00QD | | added support |
X01BD | | dropped support |
daisy | | dropped support |
santoni | | dropped support |
taimen | | dropped support |
tissot | | dropped support |
walleye | | dropped support |
We welcome new maintainers for dropped devices or even new device, to apply for maintainer status by checking our doc.