Install crDroid 10 for Xperia XZ2 Premium


Flashing instructions


  • Required firmware: Android 10
  • Optional gapps (from download page, gapps button)
  • XDA thread here

First time installation (clean flash):

fastboot flash boot boot-xxxxxxxx.img
  • Step 4: Now boot to recovery.
fastboot reboot recovery

Do not boot into the OS before you flash the ROM! The stock ROM will replace the recovery!!

  • Step 5: Select Apply update from ADB, then use adb sideload to apply the ROM.
  • Step 6: Boot back into recovery if you aren't still in recovery, and select Factory reset.
  • Step 7: Select reboot, and you're done!

Manual update installation:

  • Step 1: Reboot into recovery - I recommend using the recovery option from Advanced restart menu to do this
  • Step 2: Select "Apply update" and "Apply update from ADB". Plug the device into your computer. If it is not recognized, you can use Google ADB drivers or Sony's ADB drivers. Most will work.
  • Step 3: Download the latest build and use the following command to update, replacing with the filename of the latest build:
adb sideload

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