Warning: The provided instructions are for crDroid 11 running on Pixel 7 Pro (cheetah). These will only work if you follow every section and step precisely.
Do not continue after something fails!
Do not continue after something fails!
Installation is only possible on a device with unlocked bootloader!
crDroid is not responsible for any damage you made to your device. You have been warned!
Flashing instructions
- Make sure you are on latest Pixel firmware installed
- Recovery vendor_boot.img (from download page, recovery button)
- Gapps (get it on release page from their sourceforge)
- Optional KernelSU apk (get it on release page from their GitHub - click "show all assets" to see the apk)
First time installation (clean flash):
- On your computer open Command Prompt or Terminal and go to ADB folder location
- Reboot phone to fastboot with adb reboot bootloader
- Flash crDroid Recovery with command:
fastboot flash vendor_boot vendor_boot.img
- fastboot will flash recovery to active slot
- With volume buttons, go to Recovery Mode
- In crDroid Recovery, go to Apply update - Apply from ADB
- After that execute this command:
adb sideload zip_name.zip (where zip_name is crDroid zip for your device)
- After ROM installation finished, recovery will ask you to switch to the opposite slot to flash Gapps and/or Magisk. Select yes.
- After reboot to recovery, adb sideload Gapps and/or Magisk.
- Reboot to recovery
- After reboot - Factory reset.
- Reboot and enjoy
Dirty flash via recovery:
- On your computer open Command Prompt or Terminal and go to ADB folder location
- Reboot into Recovery using adb reboot recovery
- In crDroid Recovery, go to Apply update - Apply from ADB
- After that execute this command:
adb sideload zip_name.zip (where zip_name is crDroid zip for your device)
- After ROM installation finished, recovery will ask you to switch to the opposite slot to flash Gapps and/or Magisk. Select yes.
- After reboot to recovery, adb sideload Gapps and/or Magisk.
- Reboot and enjoy
- Use Updater to update to latest version. Gapps and Magisk (if installed) are being kept
Update installation:
Via OTA:
- Use Updater to update to latest version. Gapps and Magisk (if installed) are being kept no need to flash agagin
- Go to Settings -> System -> Updater and download latest build
- Choose install and let it finish
- Reboot