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crDroid server is made possible by displaying ads on our website. Please support us by whitelisting our url.
At crDroid, we rely on community support to keep our project alive. While we deeply appreciate every donation, the reality is that they haven't been enough to fully cover our server costs. To bridge the gap, we've had to rely on ads to help sustain the infrastructure that allows crDroid to continue providing high-quality custom ROMs.
Recently, Google decided to ban our Adsense account, forcing us to make a switch. While we disagree with their decision, we had no choice but to adapt and find an alternative solution to continue funding our project. This transition hasn't been easy, and we understand that ads can sometimes be intrusive, but they are a necessary part of keeping crDroid up and running.
With this change, we have implemented a new ads system to replace the one that was banned. We are also taking this opportunity to rework our donations page, making it more transparent and user-friendly. Our goal is to encourage more direct support from our community, as donations provide a cleaner and more sustainable way to fund our servers.
We know that ads are not the ideal solution. That's why we've set a clear goal: if we manage to consistently reach our monthly donation targets, we will reduce our reliance on ads in favor of community support. The more donations we receive, the fewer ads you'll see on our platform.
We appreciate every bit of support from our users, whether it's through donations, spreading the word about crDroid, or simply understanding why ads are currently necessary. Thank you for being part of this journey and helping us keep crDroid alive!
crDroid server is made possible by displaying ads on our website. Please support us by whitelisting our url.