How to get crDroid support


Written on Jan 13, 2025 by Lup Gabriel

crDroid Support FAQ

This post is being published in response to the increasing number of support-related messages we have been receiving via email.
Please note that our email is not intended for addressing such queries. Below, we have compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions to help guide you.

Will you add support for the XYZ device?

We’re always working to expand our device compatibility!
To ensure smooth integration and optimal performance, we prioritize devices that are readily available to our development team for thorough testing.
However, we cannot guarantee support for any specific device at any time. To see the current list of supported devices, please visit our download page.

XYZ feature is not working on my device. What should I do?

Our contact email is not intended for device-specific support. For issues related to officially supported devices, you’ll find a "Ask for Support" button on the respective download page for each device.
Additionally, we encourage users to:

  • Seek support in relevant forums or Telegram groups.
  • Submit an issue on our GitHub issue tracker.

What happens if my device is unofficial? Will I receive support?

We’re unable to provide support for unofficial builds since we cannot verify the custom code running on them.
If you’re using an unofficial build, your best option is to check with the source where you downloaded crDroid. They might have specific support channels available.

Do you offer international (all language) support?

The crDroid source code is maintained by a global network of developers and maintainers.
While we appreciate the diverse community of users, we currently provide support exclusively in English. Unfortunately, due to limited resources and the absence of a dedicated public relations team, we’re unable to respond to messages in other languages.

Thank you for being a part of the crDroid community 👍

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