crDroid 9.8 released

August 2023 security patches, merged

Written on Aug 13, 2023 by Lup Gabriel

Hey y'll...
The source code for crDroid 9.8 is now ready.
Below are the latest changes coming from crDroid 9.7.

Initial crDroid 9.8 release
Updated to August 2023 security patches (android-13.0.0_r67)
Added back QS Header Image options
Launcher3: hide "all apps" view when search starts
Launcher: Updated themed icons
Fixed Google restore issue if using gapps
Fixed toggle to enable brightness slider haptic feedback
Fixed an issue with app crash on orientation change
Fixed some possible battery issues
Fixed possible smart charging issue
Fixed charging stats
Fixed Updater layout issues
Fixed some issues with native keyboard
Fixed an issue with Launcher button on high DPI
Some small changes for doze mode
Some other small fixes
Small theme changes to stock keyboard
Some small UI improvements to Jelly (Browser)
Updated Webview to 115.0.5790.166
Updated translations

Some devices are waiting in the build queue while some other will drop soon, so expect an update sooner rather than later.