Changelog July 03rd

Another week, another crDroid update

Written on Jul 03, 2022 by Lup Gabriel

So this week we've worked a bit on ironing out some issues in our general source.
Below are the changes we've been working on.

Added option to toggle wallpaper scrolling on Launcher
Messaging: Fix unable to send message when preferred sms sim is set to "Ask every time"
Messaging: Fix unable to switch conversation sim card by clicking on the sim icon
Add thumb for balance slider (should fix SeekBar in different places)
Fixed various screenshot taking issues
Fixed bug where ringer mode is internally reset when switching linked notification volume
Fixed square shadow on rounded dropdown menu items
Fixed suspicious spaces around mobile icons in status bar
Fixed QS mobile icon disappearing on theme switch
Various Launcher fixes
Various other fixes
Updated translations

Expect those fixes to land on your crDroid device soon...
Catch ya'll next time!

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